GiupiDe Luca

FullStack Software Engineer and Blockchain Developer

Programmer and problem solver with a two years background as a full-stack web developer and one year of professional blockchain development experience.


AAK Tele-Science Inc.

NFT Meta Market
Use the trustless nature of blockchain and uniqueness of NFT's to create professional connections all over the world.
Tech Stack: Nextjs, CSS, Tailwind, MUI, Solidity, Ethers, Hardhat.

Lemon Token (LMN)

An ERC-20 token
The token is built following ERC-20 specs. I used Solidity to write the smart contracts, and web3Js to interact with my private blockchain, on Ganache. The Token was fully tested with Mocha and Chai assertion library. I also used SafeMath library from Open Zeppelin.

Lemon Wallet

LMN Token's Native Wallet.
Exchange your crypto for our native currency - LMN - or use the wallet to interact with Dapps.


Programming Languages & Tools
Further Programming Skills
  • Front-End: Nextjs, React Native, React Spring, Bootstrap, Tailwind,
  • Back-End: Express.js, Knex, SQL, PostgreSQL, Solidity, Web3.js, Truffle.
  • Misc: Mocha, Chai, Cors, Git, GitHub, Heroku, Vercel, Infura, Moralis
  • Mobile-First, Responsive Design
  • Cross Browser Testing & Debugging
  • Cross Functional Teams
  • Agile Development & Scrum


Solidity Developer and Front End Engineer Lead

AAK - Tele Science

Coordinate the blockchain and the frontend team in parallel ensuring code quality while maintaining constant integration and development. Oversee the creation and vetting of smart contracts, native token and swap features. Research and development of a private blockchain for the platform to run on.

2021 - Present

Project Manager

PM Confidential

Exported the American-style podcast to the Italian market at its infancy, thanks to a great partnership with one of Italy's most charismatic radio hosts. An overnight sensation, thousands of daily downloads and an ever-growing community.

2018 - 2020


Hype-Free Crypto

Member of the first cohort of Dror Poleg's hands-on course on web3 technologies and the business models that will define the next decade.

Dapp University

Blockchain Certificate
A hands-on in-depth course covering the fundamentals of blockchain development, teaching the more advanced features required to create modern DApps, and blockchain-based solutions.


Certificate, Full Stack Engineering
Immersive Software Engineering Program offering practical mastery of coding, designing, functionality, and layout of web applications. The most interesting and rewarding challenge in my life, so far.
2020 - 2021

Universita’ Degli Studi

Major in Classical Studies
I enjoy ancient Roman literature and Greek philosophy. In my opinion the best type of education I could ask for. I developed critical thinking, logic and creativity. I graduated as Italian Champion at the "Certamen Latinum Syracusanum",magna cum laude.
2008 - 2012


Besides developing, crypto and blockchain technology, I do have a couple of interests. I practice yoga daily, which really helps me stay focused and well oxygenated during the day.

I wouldn't call myself a "sports" type of guy. The only sport I've really enjoyed since childhood is Formula One. I love the mechanical engineering part of it, the intricacies of their aerodynamics, and obviously their breathtaking speed.